- Link Budget Analysis
The first step in designing a satellite communications facility is to understand the traffic flow requirements which determine the hub earth station and remote terminals EIRP and G/T requirements. Astraeos has the expertise and experience to perform link budgets, traffic modeling and network analysis to ensure that the client’s network meets the desired performance goals.
- Site Survey
Prior to installing a satellite earth station, a thorough review of the installation site is necessary. Numerous factors must be taken into consideration such as access to the satellite orbital arch, spectral survey, construction and civil consideration, access to AC power and backhaul infrastructure.
- System Design
Comprehensive design is critical to successful project execution. Astraeos will engineer a satellite network that best meets the client’s requirement, while complying with all applicable specifications and regulatory policies. We will always utilize the best commercially available products and practices. Our system design includes all the necessary engineering drawings, parts lists and documentation required to install, test, and commission the clients satellite network. A successful project requires regular interaction with the client. Only after careful review and the client’s approval of the design will the project proceed to the installation phase.
- System Installation, Testing and Commissioning
Astraeos provides system engineering and project management for installation, testing and commissioning of satellite networks. An Astraeos Program Manager will be supported by highly skilled Project Engineers with extensive experience in the construction, installation, and testing of satellite communications earth stations. Bringing a satellite network on line without performing the proper testing and evaluation can cause unexpected results, unacceptable performance, or even worse, network failures. Our engineers will provide the necessary testing and evaluation of the satellite network and ensure that it is properly configured and performs to the clients standards.
- Private Network Monitoring
For many customers, best-effort internet access will not support their bandwidth intensive applications nor will it support the security and reliability requirements they desire. In these cases dedicated infrastructures owned by the customers can be operated from our NOC though a combination of terrestrial tail circuits and over the air monitoring.
- Commercial Network Monitoring
If your IP services requirement can be met with commercial internet access Astraeos can secure several levels service from our partner providers. We can provide full dedicated circuits, semi-committed services, or best-effort internet access services. Through our partner providers Astraeos can coordinate global satellite or terrestrial access with dedicated monitoring from our Operations Center.
- Help Desk Support
With our help desk, your service will get the highest level of monitoring and support from our experienced engineering staff. We understand that most service providers will only insure that your circuit is operational and capable of passing routine traffic and in most instances, does not meet the high demand that our customers require. We understand that your circuit is only a portion of your overall end to end service. We will ensure that all the mission critical applications you identify will operate at peak performance when you require them. Astraeos has a variety of help desk support services to meet your requirements and budget.
- Field Services
With some situations, field support is needed to resolve issues that cannot be completed remotely. Astraeos understands that on-site support is needed during critical and non-critical deployments and applications. Astraeos has Engineers and Technicians on staff that will coordinate with the customer to provide the support that is needed to ensure the mission is accomplished.
- Surge Support
During stressful and critical mission requirements more key personnel are needed. This can be costly and inefficient if correct measures are not taken to provide that support. With our subject matter experts, Engineers and Technicians, you get the support you need when you need it.
- Network Architecture Design
Comprehensive network architecture design is critical to a successful program execution. Astraeos’ staff will engineer a network that best meets your requirement, while complying with all applicable specifications and regulatory policies. We will always utilize the best commercially available products and practices. A complete system design package includes all the necessary engineering drawings, parts lists, and documentation required to install, test, and commission your network. A successful project requires regular interaction with the customer’s project team and attention to detail.
- System Testing and Evaluation
Performance of a satellite or terrestrial network is often critical to your business continuity. Bringing new equipment or mission critical applications into these networks without prior testing and evaluation can cause unexpected results, unacceptable performance, or even worse, network failure. Our team of engineers can provide the research, test, and evaluation of new equipment and ensure that the right products are selected and that the satellite network is properly configured to support those products.
- Technology Insertion and Refresh
Technology Insertion and Refresh are aligned with the System Life-Cycle Management (SLCM) phases ensuring appropriate implementation to meet organizational needs. Considerations for Technology Insertion are system interoperability, system adaptability, and system evolution. Technology Refresh entails periodic replacement of firmware and hardware to ensure continuing reliability, conserve energy, improve speed, improve functionality, and increase capacity.
- Information Assurance
Information Assurance, considered synonymous with Information security and Computer security is a common colloquialism, which has been adopted from federal government initiatives. Traditionally, Information security’s core focus is data confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA); Computer security’s core focus is data availability and precise computer operations. It is Information Assurance that combines aspects of both, Information and Computer security. For this reason, we offer a more comprehensive methodology of implementing managerial and technical measures to ensure authenticity, availability, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation of information and information systems. Particularly, our Information Assurance process safeguards data ensuring authorized users, access authorized information at a desired time.
- Regulatory Compliance and Governance
The federal government has instituted a number of laws, regulations, and directives such as Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-130, the 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD), specifically HSPD-12 serve as the genesis for federal agencies to protect government information and Information systems. We fully understand federal policies and guidelines. We employ an in depth understanding of regulatory requirements and excel at providing our clients policy analysis and development, privacy, and identity management. Our subject matter experts identify any gaps and provide an efficient means for remediation.
- Certification and Accreditation
Information security presents a challenge to our clients; security requirements can be conflicting and confusing. We work closely with our clients to remove the conflicting and confusing requirements from the certification and accreditation (C&A) process. We understand protecting the government infrastructure and limiting their exposure to risk is paramount to mission-essential functions. We excel at transitioning enterprise C&A requirements defined by NIST 800 series, FIPS 199, DHS 4300A, DIACAP, DoD 8500 series, and OMB policies into processes and deliverables for our client. The C&A process add greater significance as we ascribe to a standard that certifies proper remediation measures are employed at phases of the System Development Life Cycle.
- Independent Validation and Verification
An independent validation and verification (IV&V) is a controlled process based on sound methodology that is designed to evaluate the accuracy of the client’s security program. Our team provides IV&V; an independent third-party focusing explicitly on, the validation and verification elements. The validation element examines the demonstrated need for the program; while the verification element examines program testing to insure controls work as intended and expected. The benefits of an IV&V include: program confidence, policy compliance, and cost reductions.
- Technical Analysis & Research
Astraeos utilizes a top down approach to provide market research and technical evaluation and analysis services to our clients. Evaluation and analysis begins with a concise requirements definition followed by a survey of current technologies and services. Astraeos then develops an in depth performance and financial risk trade-off analysis based upon our clients mission objectives.
- Business Development
Astraeos can guide a client through the process of business development by introducing the client to the right organizations or agencies to ensure success without any unforeseen obstacles or unexpected expenses. Astraeos’ team of subject matter experts has developed relationships with industry leaders and government agencies. These relationships provide an invaluable edge to our clients.